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Hi, there! I’m Zhixu and very glad you visit my personal website. I’m currently a master student at the University of Helsinki. My major is language technology/natural language processing. I would like to share my study notes about NLP and Finnish learning here. Please feel free to look around.

My had a number of math & programming courses in my undergraduate study, including Calculus, Linear algebra, Probabilities & Statistics, Applied Stochastic Process, Mathematical modelling, Econometrics, Machine learning and data mining, and Python & Big data. I also list some master-level courses that I took at UH:

  1. Computational syntax, introduced syntactic konwledge and different algorithms for parsing. For example, HMM(Hidden Markov Model) and CFG(Context Free Grammar).
  2. Computational semantics, discussed compositional semantics and distributional semantics. Also, Word2vec, Singular Value Decomposition and disambiguiation.
  3. Introduction to deep learning, introduced FFNN, CNN, RNN, LSTM, Seq2Seq, Transformers. Also include regularization, optimization.
  4. Introduction to Natural Language Processing, explained how to do morphological analysis, word sense disambiguation, POS/Sequence labeling.